Teeth are very special structures which work exceptionally hard throughout life.
They handle extreme forces and the hostile environment of the mouth including food of different acidities and temperatures. They have no integral ability to regenerate or repair.
Dental disease can and should be prevented throughout life and a good prevention programme is essential for patients of all ages. One or two visits to the dentist each year is recommended so that any problems are identified at an early stage in combination with at least 2 or 3 visits to the dental hygienist. This has been shown in studies to reduce the amount of dental treatment required in a patient’s lifetime whilst giving the best chance of preserving teeth for life.
Specific advice about diet, oral hygiene techniques appropriate to your mouth and the use of fluoride will be given at every examination and hygiene visit.
There are certain stages of life where a patient becomes more susceptible to problems. These include during pregnancy, times of stress and chronic illness, and during the active phases of orthodontic treatment. At these times your individual prevention programme should be tightened.
We will be very pleased to suggest an individual prevention plan appropriate to your needs.
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